Gezinsopvoeding is beter voor de ontwikkeling van kinderen dan tehuizen
Overzicht gemaakt voor Chinese overheid, die kinderen vanuit pleeggezinnen weer in tehuizen ging plaatsen.
An overwhelming amount of scientific studies have shown that young children need stable, continued care from their parents, or – when this is not possible - from a stable, limited number of caretakers who are irrevocably connected and available to the child. When comparing the upbringing of young children in foster care with upbringing in institutional care, research shows major differences in favour of foster care. In this article we will have a closer look at some factors that play an important role in why children who grow up in foster care will experience a healthier cognitive, emotional, and social development. We will address elements such as brain development, need of interactions with stable care givers, attachment needs, brain stimulation versus brain damage because of trauma, sensitive periods and the role of the caregiver. We will also show differences in development from children who live in Chinese institutions or in Chinese foster care after adoption in The Netherlands.